Books with Karl Deutsch
Problems of World Modeling
Political and Social Implications
Earlier world models sponsored by the Club of Rome have stressed
the interplay of population growth and industrial development with
the threatening exhaustion of resources for food and raw materials,
and with increasing pollution for the environment. They have largely
omitted, however, the effects of political and economic decisions.
These decisions and their social ramifications will have to stand
at the center of the next generation of world modeling activities.
The papers in this volume were presented at a conference of specialists
held in 1976 at Harvard University under the auspices of the International
Social Science Council, the International Political Science Association
and the World University of the World Academy of Art and Science.
The seminar focused on substantive simulation models of major trends
in world economics, world politics and world ecology. These papers
deal critically with existing world models from various theoretical
and empirical perspectives and suggest promising pathways for subsequent
steps in world modeling.
Major features of the book include a detailed presentation of the
recent normative model of the BARILOCHE group by Carlos Mallman; a
summary of previous world models by Hayward R. Alker, Jr., and Ann
Tickner; a social accounting scheme proposed by Richard Stone; various
analyses of the role of the "Third World" by Helio Jaguaribe, Fernando
Henrique Cardoso, Candido Mendes, Celso Lafer and Dieter Senghaas;
a demographic analysis by Nathan Keyfitz; discussions and presentations
regarding issues of social accounting and problems of modeling by
Hayward R. Alker, Jr., Otto Eckstein, Bruno Fritsch, William Nordhaus
and Anatol Rapoport; and discussions of possible data bases for modeling
by Manfred Kochen, Richard Merritt, Bruce Russett and Charles Taylor.
Please also visit Andy Markovits'
University of Michigan website.