Andy Markovits: A Brief Profile

Andy candid photo » The Early Years
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The Early Years

Andy Markovits was born in October 1948 in the west Romanian town of Timisoara. He was raised as the single child of a middle class Jewish family, speaking German and Hungarian at home. In school he learned Romanian, and from his early childhood he was tutored in English -- later in French as well. Thus, his multilingual identity dates back to his childhood as well as the polyglot part of the world where he grew up. At the age of nine, he and his father emigrated from Romania, first to Vienna and then to New York, the two cities that would play the most important roles in his upbringing. Between 1959 and 1967, he spent the school year -- September through June -- in Vienna; and the summer months in New York.

Please also visit Andy Markovits' official University of Michigan website.